• laundry room with basket filled with towels

    How to do Laundry

    Laundry for most homes is the biggest never-ending chore. Just as you finish the load of whites, some family member comes in with a white t-shirt that was left behind at the bottom of a backpack, the trunk of the car, the back of a closet, or who knows where.  So even before you’re finished putting away the clean laundry, the cycle beggings again. Here are some tips for organizing the laundry and how I fit the laundry into my cleaning schedule so that it doesn’t become a complete day of mountains of clothes and household items to wash, dry, fold, and put away. In my opinion, clean laundry that is left on a…

  • Open female pink wallet

    How to Declutter Your Wallet

    It is incredible how much we can accumulate in our wallets and our purses in one week. Five items play a part in and are the significant contributors to the clutter in our wallets, Credit card and debit cards, business cards, notes, and appointment cards, and the two worst offenders, Purchase receipts and loyalty cards. Eliminating and organizing these five items each week will help keep your wallet light and slim; it will also help you be more organized. Five Items to Declutter from Your Wallet Credit cards and debit cards Business cards Purchase receipts and atm bank receipts Loyalty cards Notes and appointment cards Steps to Clear the Clutter…

  • hands holding sample size skincare products
    Organizing,  Self-care

    How to organize your Skincare Samples.

    Are your drawers, cabinets, and makeup bags full of skincare samples? Do you find them at the bottom of your purse or bag? Or maybe you have them in shoeboxes? If you are overwhelmed with large amounts of skincare samples, keep reading.  I am sharing my method of organizing sample size products. Do you love to get skincare samples? I’ll be honest. I love them; it is a fantastic way to try a new product or discover if a product is to your liking before you invest your money on it. Haven’t you bought a product and tried it only to figure out that you just don’t like it, or…

  • Minimalist bathroom dark blue vanity with white counter top

    10 Items to Declutter in your Bathroom

    When was the last time you decluttered and organized your bathroom? How often do you declutter your bathroom? I just finished my September declutter, and I was amazed at how much I ended up getting rid of, Although it should not be surprising since the bathroom is one of the rooms in the house that receives new products on a weekly bases. Don’t you buy something that is stored or that is used in the bathroom every week when you are doing your groceries? I find it best to declutter and reorganize my bathroom twice a year. In March just before Spring, this allows me to take stock at what…

  • beautiful home kitchen

    10 Kitchen Items to Declutter

    This past week I finished a deep decluttering of the kitchen. In order to keep my kitchen as clutter-free as possible, I have a few steps that I take. First, I keep my countertops clutter free by clearing them off every night. Second, I do a fridge and pantry declutter weekly. On the day that I sit to plan my menu for the upcoming week, I clean out the fridge and the pantry as I take notes of what we have in order to plan for grocery shopping. Third I do a deep kitchen declutter once a year in January. This annual step, is how I keep my cabinets and…

  • desk, computer, calendar and coffee mug

    Digital Calendars

    Last blog post I wrote about how to use an agenda and a planner. This week I want to share how and why I also use digital calendars. There are a few digital calendars to choose from and each one has it’s own set of features. Here are a few to consider Any do – calendar app for staying organize (Android – ios – web) Apple Calendar – best for storing data on apple devices (ios – mac os – web) Cozi – best for managing family schedules (Android – ios – web – windows) Curago – Good for big families (ios) Fantastic 2 – (ios – mac os) FamCal…

  • apple i pad and keyboard

    New Year New Agenda

    schedules and time management Hello Friends and Happy New Year! Since we are in the first week of the year, it is a great time to tell you how I manage and keep track of everything going on in my life. I have been using an agenda (an agenda is an appointment diary or a planner) since I was a teenager. I love the feel of putting pen to paper, so I still use an agenda even though I also use digital calendars. More about digital calendars in next week’s blog. I have tried and used many different agendas throughout the years. Some of the ones I have liked the…

  • Organizing

    The Christmas Toy Edit

    As I sit here and plan what I need to get done for Christmas I realize that it has been a few years since I have had to do our Christmas toy edit. The toy edit was one of the ways that I kept the enormous amount of toys that my daughter would obtain as birthday gifts, Christmas gifts, or just because she has loving relatives who get joy from spoiling her. To be truthful my husband and I also enjoyed buying her toys, I mean, to be honest, it is fun to buy toys for kids. I began the toy edit right after her first Christmas. She received so many gifts…

  • collection of mailboxes in a row

    You’ve Got Mail: The Daily Incoming Clutter

    I recently was asked, “How do you deal with the incoming mail?” Dealing with the incoming mail is simple, all you need to get organized is a couple of tools, and about 5 minutes a day to deal with this chore. Mail is part of the managerial role of running your household, and as such, you need to handle it like you would do so for a company. You must put in place a system to keep it controlled and organized because it is vital to keeping your household running smoothly.  Nowadays, we have to deal with paper mail, the stuff that comes into your mailbox, and digital email, the one…

  • Organizing

    Kitchen Paper Clutter

    This morning I was texting with my best girlfriend, and she wrote I have to do a “Judy” (which amongst my friends and family this means something needs to be de-cluttered and organized), I am guessing she must have been looking for something in her kitchen and came across a drawer full of take-out menus and magazine clippings of recipes. My response was the “Tip of the Day” find a 3 ring binder and after you toss out anything that you don’t care for. Use a 3 hole punch and place them into the binder. That gives you back a kitchen drawer and you can store the binder with your cookbooks.…