How to store your shoes properly
Do you store your shoes in plastic boxes or regular shoe boxes? Plastic boxes are the worst possible way to store your shoes. I am going to share with you why you should not store your shoes in plastic boxes. What is the best way to store your shoes. How to take care of your shoes properly. How to keep your shoes from dry rotting or getting moldy. What to do to keep your shoes in good condition and how to protect your shoes.

Why you should not store your shoes in plastic boxes

I have been storing my shoes in plastic shoe boxes for many years. This was the best way to keep my shoes organized, so I thought. It provided me with more storage, it kept the shoes from getting dusty, and by having clear boxes instead of regular shoe boxes, I could easily see the shoes inside. So you are probably thinking what changed? What changed, was the length of time the shoes did not get used. When you use your shoes you are exposing them to the elements you are warming up the glues and pushing out the moisture. Shoes need fresh air or the glues and materials will dry out, causing them to crumble and fall apart, heels will break and inside linings will flake off. This is dry rot. Storing shoes in plastic boxes for long periods of time can cause permanent damage to the shoes. But not just plastic boxes, it can also happen with cardboard boxes. Plastic and cardboard boxes will block air out creating mold and moisture. Placing Silica gel in the box doesn’t guarantee or protect the shoes longevity it doesn’t always stop the moisture from building up. Dry-rot does not descriminate this will happen to low cost or name brand shoes.
What is the best way to store your shoes
The best way to store your shoes is on shoe racks or open shelves. by storing them on open shelves they are exposed to air. You may also be more inclined to wearing them more often since you’ll be able to see them and easily reach them.

How to take care of your shoes
- air out your shoes after each wear for at least 24 hours
- do not wear the same pair of shoes two days in a row
- avoid direct sunlight when airing out your shoes. This will help with fading
- completely dry your shoes before storing them
- wear your shoes!

How to protect and keep your shoes in good condition

- clean the shoe – dust them off or brush suede with a special suede brush
- spray new suede shoes with a waterproof protector
- add taps and half soles of rubber to bottom – this will add many years to the life of the shoe
- alternate shoes – shoes need time to breathe between wearings.
- clean inside – wipe with alcohol or tea tree oil (an antifungal agent) * careful not to splash the leather to avoid staining it.
- wear hose, socks, or sock liners – this will protect against perspiration *which erodes insoles
- use shoe trees – the best ones are made from Cedar they will help absorb moisture from the worn shoes
- polish leather, the salt in sweat dries out leather over time – polishing regularly keeps it supple
Why I wrote this post

Let me explain how I became interested in writing this post on how to store your shoes. In August of 2017, I fell and broke and dislocated my ankle. I spent twelve weeks wearing a boot on my left foot and a sneaker on my right foot, unable to put any weight on my left leg. Then came twelve weeks of therapy in a pair of sneakers. This story is getting too long so I will fast forward. During my recovery, it took me over six months to get to wear my flats and over 18 months to be able to wear any pump with a heel over two inches tall. I am currently working my way up to be able to wear a two to three-inch heel for more than four hours straight. During this time I discovered that my shoe size was no longer what it use to be. So I decluttered all my flats and sneakers that would no longer fit. A few months after that I was able to wear a one-inch heel and again discovered that some more shoes had to go. Then came my biggest surprise, a few months ago when I was able to begin wearing my heels again. I wore my favorite two-inch nude slingbacks out to dinner. In the car on the way back home I noticed that the lining of the shoe was flaking off, it was all over my foot, and the sole of the shoe had cracked in half. I was so disappointed the shoe had fallen apart. With much sadness, I threw out my favorite go with everything nude slingback heels. Since then I have had to throw out about six pairs of shoes and suspect that I have about another fifteen that might face the same fate. I began to look for answers as to why all of a sudden my shoes were falling apart after I had had them for so many years with nothing like this ever happening before. What I found surprised me so much that I decided to write this post.

According to GLAMOUR, the average woman spends approximately $25,000.00 – on shoes in her lifetime for others that can be 2-10 times that amount., that shows the average woman will buy 469 pairs of shoes in her lifetime. That is quite the investment. To protect your investment, you need to store your shoes properly. Do not store your shoes in boxes, especially plastic ones. Take care of your shoes by letting them air out and wearing them more often and take steps to protect and keep your shoes in good condition so that you can enjoy them for as long as you want. A shoe that is worn inside on carpeted floors should last 3-5 years longer if you take care of them.
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